Mission, Values and Vision


Founded to manifest the love of God through serving people in need, Christian Family Service Centre strives to support and enhance family functioning, and foster an environment in which growth and change can take place. We believe in social justice, respect for human dignity, and endeavour to contribute to the building of a humane and caring society in Hong Kong.



Christian Family Service Centre strives to become a value-driven, passionate and integrated organisation which will be recognised for its excellent performance in Customer Service, Quality Care, Innovation, Solutions to Customers' Problems, Strengthening Families, Making Positive Changes and Building Community Capacity.



To manifest the love of God, Christian Family Service Centre holds the following corporate values: care, respect, fairness, justice, commitment to people, enabling people to help themselves and searching for excellence in service. In developing services, we hold the following principles: Family First; Professional Service; Excellent Management; and Innovation.
