Materials of Conference on Nuture A.R.T. Self - Adolescent Mental Health and Art Therapy on 28 & 29 Oct 2016
 Material of Conference for Download

28 Oct 2016 (Conference)

Keynote Speech
Keynote speech 1:
Art Therapy in a Changing World: New Developments in Research and Practice
Dr. Neil Springham (UK)
Consultant Art Therapist
UK National Health Service
Keynote speech 2:
Creative, Playful and Art Therapy
for Adolescent Mental Health and Well-Being
Prof. Ming Fu WU (Taiwan)
Associate Professor
University of Taipei
Plenary Sessions:
Presentation 1
Fostering Emotional Wellbeing: Treating Emotional Problems of Children and Youth with Art in the Framework of the Expressive Therapies Continuum
Prof. Joshua Kin Man NAN
Assistant Professor
Hong Kong University
Registered Art Therapist (USA)
Presentation 2
Adolescent Depression and Art Therapy
Ms. Ivy Yim Fun FUNG
Registered Art Therapist (UK)
Presentation 3
Image Writing: The Inner World of Child Victims of Family Violence
Prof. Sophia Suk Mun LAW
Associate Professor
Lingnan University
Ms. Sarah Ming Mun TONG
Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists
Registered Art Therapist (CA)
29 Oct 2016 (Parallel Worshops)
(A1): Art Therapy in Treating Childhood Sexual Abused Clients to Bridge the “Wall of Fear”
Ms. May Siu Mei CHAN
Registered Art Psychotherapist (UK)
(A2): Using Strengths Based Art Facilitation to Open the Window into the Adolescent’s Internal World
Ms. Petsy Sin Yee CHOW
Centre In Charge, CFSC
(B1): Therapeutic Empathy in Art Therapy: A Pathway towards Healing and Wholeness for Adolescent Females who Self-injure
Ms. Julia BYRNE
Registered Expressive Arts Therapist (USA)
(B2): Art Therapy and Body Image
Ms. Hoi Lam TANG
Registered Art Therapist (USA)
(C1): Creative Arts for Patients at E.A.S.Y.
Art In Hospital
(C2): Using Art Therapy on Strengthening Attachment and Family Resilience between Cancer Patients and Their Children in Treatment Stage
Ms. Tristan Nga Chee CHAN
Registered Art Psychotherapist (UK)
Hong Kong Cancer Fund