Mission and Service Targets

YTST- "Jockey Club Youth Leap" provides diversified services in a holistic approach to enable young people to:

• 有(HAVE)

• 健康的體魄 (Health: Physical & Mental)

• 成功感 (Achievement: Academic and Personal)

• 使命及遠見 (Vision: In Life Goals)

• 正面及豐盛的經驗 (Experience: Positive and Fruitful)


• 能夠(CAN)

• 面對轉變/創新及挑戰 (Change, Create, Meet Challenges)

• 接受自己的長處及短處 (Accept, Strength and Weakness)

• 關懷別人 (Nurture others)


• Christian Family Service Centre (CFSC) was established in 1954 by Miss Muriel Boone, a United Presbyterian missionary, to help Mandarin speaking refugees. Material aid, financial support and guidance in finding jobs were provided to needy families. The Agency was first located in 221 Sai Yee Street Mongkok and moved to 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong in 1965. In the early years, it was necessary to depend on gifts from churches overseas to finance the programme. However, the Hong Kong Government and The Community Chest have started to provide financial support as well since 1969. Over the years, the Agency's work gradually extended and it has now developed into a multi-service agency, with the mission to support and enhance family functioning and to foster an environment for growth and change. We provide multi-services including: Children & Family Services, Youth & Education Services, Elderly Care Services, Services for People with Disabilities, Mental Health Services, Active Ageing Services, Primary Health Care Services, Opportunities & Inclusion for People with Disabilities, Environmental Protection & Green Living, Community Development Services, Employee Service Consultancy.

• To manifest the love of God, Christian Family Service Centre holds the following corporate values: care, respect, fairness, justice, commitment to people, enabling people to help themselves and searching for excellence in service. In developing services, we hold the following principles: Family First; Professional Service; Excellent Management; and Innovation.

Service Area:

Shun Tin Estate (South of Tin Kuen House) / Shun On Estate / Tsui Ping South Estate / Po Tat Estate

Service Targets:

1. Anyone is welcome to attend suitable courses.

2. Teenagers aged 6-24 and their parents can become members of the YTST- "Jockey Club Youth Leap" at the same time.