Facilities and Services

Bouldering Zone
Available age: 12-24 years old
Remarks: You must attend the "Bouldering Safety Tips" class before you can use it.
Piano Room
Maximum one hour at a time (2:30 - 9:00pm)
Remarks: For personal practice only, children under 9 years old need to be accompanied by an adult.
Meeting Room
For use by social workers only when meeting service users.
Band Room
Maximum 4 hours at a time (2:30 - 9:00pm)
Remarks: Maximum capacity is 6 people.
Only for members aged 12 or above. 
Need to know how to play musical instruments.
Table Tennis Lending
Time: Saturday from 2:00 - 8:30 pm
Remarks:The room can only accommodate 12 people.
Remarks:You can call the center to apply for borrowing from the social worker on duty. It can accommodate up to 6 people at a time.
Chill Zone
Time Of Each Session:
2:30 - 4:30 pm / 4:30 - 6:30 pm / 6:30 - 8:30 pm
(Maximum 6 people per session, only for members of secondary school or above)
Target User: Center Members
Remarks:You can borrow it at the reception or ask the staff.

Facilities and Services Lending

Only one borrowing period is available on Mondays:

2:30 - 4:30 pm

Service Quality Standards:

Since 1999, the Social Welfare Department and subvented organizations have implemented 16 service quality standards to comprehensively improve the quality of social welfare services in Hong Kong.

SQS 1   Service Information

SQS 2   Review and Update Policies & Procedures

SQS 3   Records

SQS 4   Roles and Responsibilities

SQS 5   Human Resources

SQS 6   Planning, Evaluation and Feedback

SQS 7   Financial Management

SQS 8   Legal Obligations

SQS 9   Safe Physical Environment

SQS 10  Entry and Exit

SQS 11  Needs of Service Users

SQS 12  Informed Choices

SQS 13  Private Property

SQS 14  Privacy and Confidentiality

SQS 15  Complaints

SQS 16  Freedom from Abuse

If anyone has any questions or comments about the above sixteen standards, welcome to borrow a file with detailed service standards from the staff on duty at the center (Tel: 2952-2116). (The above standard units will be reviewed every three years. If you have any comments, you can also submit them through the suggestion box) For details of the 16 service quality standards, you can also visit the Social Welfare Department’s outline page:http://www.swd.gov.hk/tc/index/