Carer Bond - App for Elderly Care Carer
作為照顧者,面對壓力想找人幫手?還是想擔任義工,幫到人又可以學習新技能? 由CFSC長者照顧服務推出的「護老幫」手機應用程式都可以滿足到你。
Elderly Care Services
To support the elderly in their golden years, we offer care services that cater to their specific needs and encourage family engagement and community support, allowing them to lead a comfortable and healthy late life.
Population ageing is a common issue in the modern society. We provide good care services for elderly persons with mild to severe impairment, from home and community care services, day care centres to residential services, covering meal service, daily care, professional care, recovery treatment, rehabilitation training, counselling and social activities. These services are designed to enable the elderly to live happily and with dignity in the neighbourhood. We also provide training and support to dementia patients and their carers and continue to expand our community network to educate the public on elderly care and promote community support for the elderly.
作為照顧者,面對壓力想找人幫手?還是想擔任義工,幫到人又可以學習新技能? 由CFSC長者照顧服務推出的「護老幫」手機應用程式都可以滿足到你。
想知有關照顧長者的資訊?想知有什麼服務,可以減輕照顧壓力?了解長者的照顧規劃? 請瀏覽最新一期 Carer Link 護老同行通訊 Issue 20!