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Care For Elders

Elderly Care Services

Our visions

To support the elderly in their golden years, we offer care services that cater to their specific needs and encourage family engagement and community support, allowing them to lead a comfortable and healthy late life.


Our services

Population ageing is a common issue in the modern society. We provide good care services for elderly persons with mild to severe impairment, from home and community care services, day care centres to residential services, covering meal service, daily care, professional care, recovery treatment, rehabilitation training, counselling and social activities. These services are designed to enable the elderly to live happily and with dignity in the neighbourhood. We also provide training and support to dementia patients and their carers and continue to expand our community network to educate the public on elderly care and promote community support for the elderly.

Event Highlights

Carer "ME TIME" Seminar and Relaxation Activities

為作為照顧者的你,是否擁有完全屬於你自己的時間(ME TIME)? CFSC的緊急護老者支援服務及智活記憶及認知訓練中心將在9月29 (日) 舉辦「照顧者『ME TIME』講座‧放鬆活動」,讓照顧者可以忙裡偷閒。活動期間,有中醫師拆解坊間保健的謬誤,並有專家分析腸道健康與情緒的關係,此外,我們亦安排了不同主題的放鬆活動,歡迎照顧者們參加。 照顧好自己,才能好好照顧家人,享受真正屬於你自己的時間吧!



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Services units affiliated to Elderly Care Services: