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Youth & Education Services

Our visions

With our comprehensive services, we strive to help young people realise their dreams and encourage a sense of independence, self-reliance and self-respect. We engage in cross-sector collaborations to explore new opportunities and inspire them to cherish their lives and involve themselves in the community.


Our services

We believe every young person has a unique set of characteristics and potentials that can only be untapped and unleashed through the accumulation of hands-on experiences at different stages of life. With our comprehensive and diversified services, we initiate cross-sector collaborations to give young people more space for self-development, encouraging them to live their lives to the fullest, care for others and involve themselves in the community.


Event Highlights

「第二屆Dream Sailor 夢啟航計劃嘉許禮」圓滿舉行

CFSC很榮幸獲得利左滌江慈善信託基金及利銘澤黃瑤璧慈善基金贊助舉辦為期三年的「Dream Sailor 夢啟航計劃」,並由服務單位臻善軒為有特殊教育需要(SEN)的學生,在生涯規劃上提供更多的支援。較早前「第二屆Dream Sailor 夢啟航計劃嘉許禮」圓滿舉行,活動由本會助理總幹事賴君豪先生致歡迎辭,感謝學校和企業的支持,讓第二屆計劃順利完成,當天本會服務總監(青年及教育)黃佩儀女士更頒發各個嘉許狀以表謝意。



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