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Social Inclusion

Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities

Our visions

Involvement breeds happiness. We are committed to securing the employment of people with disabilities, advocating a respectful appreciation for diversity and creating an inclusive society that accommodates differences and upholds equality.


Our services

We value individuality and seek to break with tradition and spread the message that everyone can contribute to our society irrespective of physical abilities. While building an inclusive society, we also provide various types of vocational training, employment support and personal development programmes for people with disabilities to re-build their confidence and re-connect with the society through employment.

Event Highlights

Inclusive Affairs Volunteer Recruitment

CFSC 的「共融事務所」以在社區推廣共融為目標,定期舉辦不同的活動,提升大眾對智障人士及其照顧者的關注;為了可以建立更大的支援網絡,我們需要更多義工加入我們,成為義工「守望員」,一同為發展共融社區努力。歡迎有興趣人士加入。




Latest services

Services units affiliated to Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities: