「快樂步行 ‧ 一家FUN」健步日 圓滿舉行
本會創老工作室舉辦的「快樂步行 ‧ 一家FUN」健步日暨計劃開幕禮已於早前圓滿舉行! 活動邀請到社會福利署副署長(服務)黃國進先生、香港賽馬會慈善事務總經理(體育)麥偉彬先生 (Mr. Robbie McRobbie) 及本會總幹事梁少玲女士擔任主禮嘉賓,還邀請到香港著名單車前運動員黃金寶先生SBS, MH出席,跟在場的長者分享維持健康習慣同保持運動的貼士。
Primary Health Care Services
By advocating healthy lifestyles, we encourage everyone to be the master of their own health, as well as bringing the community together for promoting whole-person wellness and building a healthier Hong Kong.
A healthy lifestyle is the key to mental and physical well-being. We roll out various initiatives to encourage the public to adopt a healthy lifestyle and take charge of their own health. We provide one-stop multi-disciplinary primary care services to give the public access to convenient and quality medical care in disease prevention, treatment and disease management outside of the public healthcare system. We also actively work with different stakeholders to build a healthy city.
本會創老工作室舉辦的「快樂步行 ‧ 一家FUN」健步日暨計劃開幕禮已於早前圓滿舉行! 活動邀請到社會福利署副署長(服務)黃國進先生、香港賽馬會慈善事務總經理(體育)麥偉彬先生 (Mr. Robbie McRobbie) 及本會總幹事梁少玲女士擔任主禮嘉賓,還邀請到香港著名單車前運動員黃金寶先生SBS, MH出席,跟在場的長者分享維持健康習慣同保持運動的貼士。