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Livable City

Environmental Protection & Green Living

Our visions

Natural resources and the ecological environment must be protected to save our precious Earth. We encourage the public to reduce pollution and waste, while working closely with different social groups and sectors to build a sustainable future.


Our services

We integrate green practices into the everyday life to raise public awareness on environmental protection and call for actions to reduce municipal solid waste, promote green community and increase the livability of our city.


Event Highlights


歐綠保綜合環保 (香港) 有限公司日前舉辦「妥善回收四電一腦推動循環經濟」的頒獎典禮,CFSC獲大會頒發兩個感謝獎項。上述獎項肯定了CFSC充分善用不同服務地區的網絡,積極加強社區協作,在妥善回收「四電一腦」和捐贈再生電器方面所作出的貢獻。本會環保服務代表亦獲邀與業界其他的嘉賓同台分享透過社區協作,從而推動循環經濟的經驗。


「沙田綠 Fun Fun」社區綠惜市集 活動精彩回顧

由香港賽馬會贊助,CFSC主辦的「沙田綠 Fun Fun」社區綠惜市集,較早前於沙田大會堂廣場完滿舉行了一連兩天活動。 當日,大會很榮幸邀請到環境保護署助理署長(減廢)區詩敏博士、環境保護處署助理署長(廢物基建)雷學良先生、署理沙田民政事務專員鄭奕文先生、香港賽馬會對外事務部主管鄭琪先生和CFSC總幹事梁少玲女士擔任主禮嘉賓,以及超過80位嘉賓(包括約18位沙田區區議員)出席啟動禮。



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Services units affiliated to Environmental Protection & Green Living: