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Youth & Education Services

Our visions

With our comprehensive services, we strive to help young people realise their dreams and encourage a sense of independence, self-reliance and self-respect. We engage in cross-sector collaborations to explore new opportunities and inspire them to cherish their lives and involve themselves in the community.


Our services

We believe every young person has a unique set of characteristics and potentials that can only be untapped and unleashed through the accumulation of hands-on experiences at different stages of life. With our comprehensive and diversified services, we initiate cross-sector collaborations to give young people more space for self-development, encouraging them to live their lives to the fullest, care for others and involve themselves in the community.


Event Highlights

Heartbeat catching Concert

較早前,CFSC青年服務轄下「賽馬會跳躍青年坊 - 翠屏中心」舉辦「Music Jam:Heartbeat catching 捉緊心跳音樂會」,讓喜歡音樂的青少年共聚,期間大家一起Free Jam 音樂,透過歌曲與大家一起分享不同的故事。 音樂會在翠屏分處全新改裝後進行,新的舞台讓青少年們可以一展才能,未來,我們將會繼續為青少年朋友帶來更多有意思又有趣的活動,讓青少年的才能被看見,歡迎密切留意。



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