Support Us
Monthly Donation
A stable source of donations enables us to expand our services and benefit people with different needs. Please support our work by joining our monthly donation scheme.
* Donation receipts will be issued upon the donor’s request at the end of each financial year for tax deduction purposes.

Credit Card
Please return the completed Donation Reply Slip to us via mail, e-mail or fax to authorise CFSC to debit the specified donation amount from your credit card.

Please return the completed Donation Reply Slip and Direct Debit Authorisation Form to us via mail, e-mail or fax to authorise CFSC to debit the specified donation amount by autopay.
Download Direct Debit Authorisation Form
Donation Enquiries:
Partnership and Resources Development Department
Tel: 2950 5871
Fax: 3188 5026
E-mail: part@cfsc.org.hk