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One-off Donation

Online Donation
Please fill in our Donation Reply Slip and donate directly via credit card to support our services.

Credit Card
Please return the completed Donation Reply Slip to us via mail, e-mail or fax to authorise CFSC to debit the specified donation amount from your credit card.

Crossed Cheque
Please send us a crossed cheque payable to “Christian Family Service Centre” with the completed Donation Reply Slip by mail or in person.

e-Banking Transfer / Direct Deposit
Donations can be transferred to CFSC’s bank accounts via e-banking/ ATM service provided by the banks listed below. Please mail us the online confirmation/ the original copy of the bank pay-in slip with the completed Donation Reply Slip, so that we can send you an official receipt.
Bank Accounts of Christian Family Service Centre:
HSBC: 030-001580-001
Bank of East Asia: 531-40-06926-5
Hang Seng Bank: 291-117851-001
Standard Chartered Bank: 407-0-062511-9
Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with an official receipt. Please return the completed Donation Reply Slip with the original document or crossed cheque via any of the following channels:
Mail: Room 1003, 10/F, Christian Family Service Centre, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon; or
E-mail: cpe@cfsc.org.hk; or
Fax: 3188 5026
(E-mail and fax copies are acceptable for credit card donations only.)
Donation Enquiries:
Communications & Partnership Engagement
Tel: 2950 5871
Fax: 3188 5026
E-mail: cpe@cfsc.org.hk