
Media Coverage: Lots of anxiety for Hong Kong students, parents must reduce pressure - SingTao Education


日期: 2015年3月27日 (星期五)
資料來源: 星島日報 – 星島教育 – 讀社論學英文 – F9
標題: Lots of anxiety for Hong Kong students, parents must reduce pressure

圖片: Lots of anxiety for Hong Kong students, parents must reduce pressure 港生焦慮多家長要減壓

Lots of anxiety for Hong Kong students, parents must reduce pressure
A questionnaire poll on over 12,000 secondary students revealed that over 10 per cent of the respondents showed symptoms of anxiety. Over two per cent even wanted to commit suicide or harm themselves almost every day four weeks before the poll. As for those with slight to mild depression, they made up over 50 per cent. Actually it is not just with secondary students, the anxiety in primary students similarly needs to be addressed. Psychological stress even affects some kindergarten students. This has a lot to do with the social atmosphere overly emphasizing competition and parents' demands.

According to a study by a voluntary organization and the Polytechnic University School of Nursing, of the secondary students who experienced anxiety, 80 per cent said they often felt themselves not performing well, being a failure and disappointing themselves or family members. Such feelings are not limited to secondary students nor those with poor academic performance.

Two and a half years ago, a Primary Six girl student who had both good conduct and academic performance committed suicide soon after the start of the school year. The voluntary organization used a questionnaire based on Australia's Spence Children's Anxiety Scale to interview 1,600 P3 to P6 students and found that their anxiety level reached 30.4, higher than those in China, Holland and Germany by over 30 per cent on average. Study was the major cause of anxiety. Five per cent of the students had index levels above 45 and needed to be referred to social workers for emotional therapy.

Pushing starts at young age in fear of lagging behind
Many Hong Kong students who study in the UK and US have this same experience: the curriculum abroad is easier, hence it is easier for Hong Kong students to get to the top. Hong Kong's curriculum is so difficult that some parents have difficulty in handling the homework of even kindergarten kids. It shows how great the developmental environment pressure on local students is.

Some schools compete with each other in terms of the amount, depth and difficulty of their homework, partly caused by the push from parents who are afraid that their children will not be competitive enough, so they make comparison of different schools. When they find the school of their children "lagging behind" others or not having enough homework, they will point it out at parent's meetings or forums, causing pressure on the school. Germany does not encourage children under five to learn writing or use textbooks but Hong Kong parents do not think so.  More parents exert pressure on their children. With the mentality of "diligence is rewarding, play is not", some parents have arranged tight schedules for their kids since a very young age, making them take "shortcut interview classes" even before they attend kindergarten. During schooling days, the kids also have to attend various interest and tutorial classes, which is not holistic education but only a pursuit of certificates and awards to create a good-looking curriculum vita for edging into an elite school. Youngsters have to face pressure from various aspects including academic performance, parental expectations and extra-curricular activities.

Free play helps relieve stress
The UNICEF urges parents to respect their kids' rights to play and ensure that each child has at least an hour's free play every day. A western proverb says: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". When children have free play, they are not only happy but it can also train them in their abilities to solve problems independently, socializing skills and confidence. In addition to reducing pressure, it will prevent prince and princess syndromes while the kids will not go for utilitarian effects in everything they do.

Various interest and tutorial classes have become an "industry". Learning to play the piano is for taking grading exams. Learning to draw is for joining competitions. But they may not necessarily suit the interests, talents and abilities of the children. However, some parents go after these because they themselves are also under great psychological pressure, reinforced by social environment pressure, while the anxiety in them will often affect the children and become the major source of pressure on them, which greatly increases the risk of "pulling up the seedling to help it grow". This is something that the education sector and parents must take heed and reflect upon.

Published in the Sing Tao Daily on March 26


depression (n) —— 抑鬱症

psychological (adj) —— 心理的

emphasize (v) —— 強調

failure (n) —— 失敗者

disappoint (v) —— 使失望

conduct (n) —— 品行

curriculum (n) —— 課程

diligence (n) —— 勤奮

utilitarian (adj) —— 功利主義的

talent (n) —— 天分

Useful Terms

voluntary organization —— 志願機構

academic performance —— 學業成績

emotional therapy —— 情緒治療

holistic education —— 全人教育

socializing skill —— 社交能力

Did you know?
More than 50 per cent of secondary students show symptoms of slight to mild depression, with two per cent even having thoughts of suicide, a survey found. The Christian Family Service Centre and Hong Kong Polytechnic University questioned 12,518 secondary students from 2011 to 2014 about their anxiety and depression conditions. Most of them were unhappy about their grades and stressed over homework. "We found that students who usually have anxiety are also showing depressive symptoms more often than other students," said Mak Yim-wah, assistant professor at PolyU School of Nursing. She said these students felt they were losers and had disappointed their family. "They are usually down, sad, or even desperate," she said. Petsy Chow Sin-yee, head of adolescent mental health prevention and intervention at the service centre, said parents, teachers and others should pay attention to youth's psychological health.

1. The word _____ in the second paragraph is the opposite of "success".

2. Hong Kong's _____ is more difficult than that of other countries.

3. In the passage, the word _____ means "treatment".

4. Some schools compete with each other in terms of the amount, depth and difficulty of their homework partly because of ____________________.

5. According to the last paragraph, the _____ in parents will show in the children.


1. failure

2. curriculum

3. therapy

4. the push from parents

5. anxiety








