
Media Coverage: SLW visits small group home for mildly mentally handicapped children


Date:        5th August, 2015 (Wednesday) 
Source:     HKSAR Government News – Press Releases
Re: SLW visits small group home for mildly mentally handicapped children 
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SLW visits small group home for mildly mentally handicapped children


The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, visited the Christian Family Service Centre Shing Shun Small Group Home in Tseung Kwan O this morning (August 5) to see the residential and rehabilitation services for mildly mentally handicapped children provided by non-governmental organisations. 

Mr Cheung was briefed by the Senior Programme Director, Ms Ivy Leung, and the Service Manager, Ms Teresa Lam, on the rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities provided by the Christian Family Service Centre as well as the operation of Shing Shun Small Group Home, which offers all-round residential care service including living skills training, academic guidance, emotional/behavioural counselling and community activities.
The small group home provides home-like residential care service to mildly mentally handicapped children aged 6 to 18 with family difficulties and residential needs. The purpose is to provide them with a stable living environment and foster their self-caring abilities and social skills through individual or group training. During the visit, Mr Cheung chatted with the house parent and children under care to better understand their daily life and needs.
Mr Cheung said that the Government is committed to providing a range of residential care services to persons with different levels of disabilities. In this financial year, there has been an increase of $118 million in recurrent expenditure to strengthen necessary training and care services for persons with disabilities by adding 285 pre-school rehabilitation, 550 day training and vocational rehabilitation and 436 residential care service places including those for mildly mentally handicapped children.