CFSC 基督教家庭服務中心

Service Overview

The Christian Family Service Centre (CFSC) is a social service organisation in Hong Kong dedicated to supporting and promoting family functions. Over the years, the Agency has expanded its spectrum of services to cover a variety of areas including: Children and Family Services, Youth & Education Services, Elderly Care Services, Services for People with Disabilities, Mental Health Services, Active Ageing Services, Primary Health Care Core Services, Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities, Environmental Protection and Green Living, Community Development Services, Employee Service Consultancy.

Total number of beneficiaries during the year

Successful service cases


Liaising with various stakeholders to organise volunteering services

Service units and projects

Providing multi-service throughout the territory

Service users

satisfied with performance of service units

Subsidised service by SWD
Member Agency of the Community Chest
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Family Friendly Employers 2017/18
ERB Manpower Developer (Awarded by the Employees Retraining Board)
 2021-22 Good MPF Employer 5 Years+
Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme (WARS) 2022-2023 Triple Gold Award