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Legacy Giving
Leaving your legacy to CFSC allows us to not only pass on your gift of love to the community, but also sustain and expand essential underfunded services that can improve the livelihoods of those in need.
Legacy donations of any amount and in any form are welcomed. If you wish to bring long-term changes to help people in need, here are several options to consider when drawing up your will (you are advised to consult your lawyer or visit the Law Society of Hong Kong’s website for will-writing advice):
- Pecuniary Legacy: Donate a specified sum of money.
- Specific Legacy: Donate specific assets, such as personal items, real estates, shares and bonds.
- Residual Legacy: Donate the whole or part of your remaining estate after all taxes, expenses, debts are paid, and other bequests are made.
- Policy Donation: Name CFSC as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy and donate all or part of the sum assured.
Suggested wording for your will
I bequeath to Christian Family Service Centre for (its general purposes) (the residue of my estate/ specified sum/ specified items/ specified percentage) free of all duties, and the receipt of the Secretary of other authorised officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the executor(s).
Important information for naming CFSC as your life insurance beneficiary:
Name of organisation: Christian Family Service Centre
Address: 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Company Registry Number: 0024570
Registered Number (under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance): 91/529
Let Us Know your Will
It will help us even more if you could inform us in advance of your intention to include CFSC in your will. Not only does this help us plan for the future, but it also allows us to share our long-term plans with you through regular newsletters. Please download the Legacy Giving Notification Form and send the completed form to: Communications & Partnership Engagement, Christian Family Service Centre, Room 1002, 10/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon (by post), cpe@cfsc.org.hk (by e-mail) or 3188 5026 (by fax).
Donation Enquiries:
Communications & Partnership Engagement
Tel: 2950 5871
Fax: 3188 5026
E-mail: cpe@cfsc.org.hk