
Social Housing Project - Cheung Sha Wan “Shun Ting Terraced Home”


Social Housing Project - Cheung Sha Wan “Shun Ting Terraced Home”


Christian Family Service Centre (CFSC) operates 4 social housing projects under the “Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisations” offered by the Housing Bureau. “Shun Ting Terraced Home”, is located nearby Lai Chi Kok MTR Station, at Cheung Shun Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon. The previous site was the Cheung Sha Wan Cooked Food Market. The project offers 132 affordable housing units, which aims to improve the living quality, to people who are living inadequately.

CFSC Transitional Housing Project - Shun Ting Terraced Home - Map


Leaflet Leaflet



Basic criteria:

  1. Hong Kong resident aged over 18 years old;
  2. The applicant and his / her family members must meet the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA)’s prevailing policies and eligibility criteria for applying for public rental housing (PRH) (including but not limited to family size, income and asset value); (eligibility details)
  3. Willing to join the activities and contribute to the social housing’s community;
  4. Have a concrete and feasible moving-out plan after the living period.
  • Type A: Individual or family with genuine need for social housing, that waitlisted for Public Rental Housing (PRH) for more than 3 years or families with newborns and having been waiting for traditional PRH for not less than 2 years
    (household information must tally with that contained in the relevant PRH application issued by HA)
  • Type B: Individual or family with special housing needs (e.g. living in inadequate housing conditions) or waitlisting for PRH for less than 3 years (including individual or family not applied for PRH) (aside maximum 20% units for Type B applicants)


*Please follow the rules and regulations in the “Application Guide”.


Application Period

Applications are currently being accepted until all units are occupied. 


Application Documents

  1. The completed Application Form; and
  2. The proof of Identity; and / or
  3. The proof of PRH with the application date for registration (Applicable for the allocation of PRH)


Application Methods


Please submit your application on “TH-E” – Central and Unified Platform for Transitional Housing via the Housing Bureau website, complete the application submission for transitional housing by just following the instructions to input the required basic information (e.g. name, phone number, identity card number, etc.) and choose the projects of your preference.
Details: https://www.hb.gov.hk/eng/policy/housing/policy/transitional/tenantapplications.html

Project Name

Project code

Cheung Sha Wan “Shun Ting Terraced Home”




*Applicant should read “Application Guide” carefully and prepare the copies of supporting documents refer to “Checklist of Supporting Documents” and/or “Self-declared Statement on Income from Work”

Remarks: CFSC reserves the right to cancel all duplicated applications.


Application Guide Application Guide
Application Form Application Form 
Checklist of Supporting Documents Checklist of Supporting Documents
Self-declared Statement on Income from Work Self-declared Statement on Income from Work 
Floor Plan  Floor Plan ; Photo



Contact Information

Enquiries/Whatsapp: 9570 4668
Email:  thcs@cfsc.org.hk
Address: Social Worker Team Office, G/F, Yap Ting Terraced Home, no.27 Po Yap Road, Tseung Kwan O
Office hours:   Monday to Friday 9:30am - 5:30pm (except Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays)